Current FTA status of Korea, Republic

FTA Effective since
Chile 2004.4.1
Singapore 2006.3.2
EFTA 2006.9.1
ASEAN 2007.6.1
(differ by countries)
India 2010.1.1
EU 2011.7.1
Peru 2011.8.1
USA 2012.3.15
Turkey 2013.5.1
Australia 2014.12.12
Canada 2015.1.1
China 2015.12.20
New Zealand 2015.12.20
Vietnam 2015.12.20
Columbia 2016.7.15
:Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein (4 countries)
:Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand (10 countries)
: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and UK.

Rule of Origin

Definition of Country of Origin
  • Country of Origin is a term used to generally refer to the country in which an animal or a plant originates from or the land where raw materials and products were first produced. Just as people acquire nationality when they are born, commodities have their own nationality called Country of Origin.
  • Since there are a number of cases where a product is made of raw materials from different countries or manufactured in more than two countries, the determination of the country of origin of goods is becoming more and more difficult.
The Rule of Origin Determination.
  • FTA aims to increase trade among the signatories. Hence, the FTA preferential tariff rates are only applicable to the specific products that are originating from the contracting countries. However, even when the products are originating from the contracting countries, if the products do not meet the rule of origin determination, the FTA preferential tariff rates are not applicable. Therefore, special attention needs to be paid for the rule for the country of origin.

Certificate of Origin

FTA Certificate of Origin certifies that the exported goods meet the rule of the country of origin set by the FTA Agreement, and is applicable to preferential tariff rates. There are two types of certificate of origin depending on the method of issuance: Issuance by the authority, and Self Issuance

Category Chile Singapore EFTA ASEAN India EU Peru Turkey USA
Method of Issuance Self-issuance Issuance by the authority Self-issuance Issuance by the authority Issuance by the authority Self-issuance Self-issuance Self-issuance Self-issuance
Issuer Exporter *Customs
*The Commerce of Commerce & Industry
*Administration Agencyof Free Trade Zone
Exporter Government Export Inspection Agency Exporter/ Approved Exporter only for 6,000euro or more Exporter Exporter Exporter, Producer, Importer
Certification Form Unified Certification Form Specific Certification Form Invoice Unified Certification Form (AK) Unified Certification Form Invoice Unified Certification Form Invoice Recommended Form
Validity Period 2 years 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 4 year
Language English Languages of each country English English, Korean
Usage Count Principle of Single Usage Comprehensive issuance available within 12 months
Category Australia Canada China Vietnam New Zealand Colombia
Method of Issuance Self-Issuance / Issuance by the authority Self-Issuance Issuance by the authority Issuance by the authority Self-Issuance Self-Issuance
Issuer *Exporter/Producer
*Australian Authority
Exporter/Producer *Chinese Authority
*Korean Authority
Authority *Korean Authority
Exporter/Producer Exporter/Producer
Certification Form Standardized Form Unified Certification Form Unified Certification Form Unified Certification Form Invoice / Recommended Form Unified Certification Form
Validity Period 2 year 2 year 1 year 1 year 2 year 1 year

Types of Issuance

Issuance by the Customs
  • KCS
  • Approval for the use of Customs Clearance Portal
  • Purchase of e-Certificate
  • Log in
  • Completion of C/O
  • Approval of Customs
  • Issuance (Print)
Issuance by the KOREA Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI)
  • KCCI Homepage
  • Registration of Signature of the Applicant
  • Purchase of e-Certificate
  • Log in
  • Completion of C/O
  • Approval of KCCI
  • Issuance (Print)

Approved Exporter

Approved Exporters by the Customs authorities are granted the right to issue Certificate of Origin (KOR-EU FTA) and the benefits of submittingless documents, as having the ability to certify the country of origin of their products.

Benefits of Approved Exporter
KOR-ASEAN / KOR-Singapore / KOR-India
Before Approval
  1. Completion of application form (Online)
  2. Submission of supporting documents
    • -

      Copy of Certificate of acceptance of Export declaration (omitted when electronically proved)

    • -

      An invoice or a Contract of Deal

    • -

      Origin Confirmation (When producer and exporter are different)

    • -

      Origin Calling

    • -

      Supporting document for Origin Calling

  3. On-site Investigation (when needed)
After Approval
  1. Completion of application form (Online)
  2. Omission of submission of supporting documents
  3. On-site investigation can be omitted
Before Approval
  1. C/O self-issuance available when exporting €6,000 and under (available for preferential duty rate)
  2. Self-issued C/O (when declaring with an invoice) with the exporter’s signature required
  3. Electronic documents not useable
After Approval
  1. C/O self-issuance available when exporting more than €6,000 in case of approved exporter only (available for preferential duty rate)
  2. Self-issued C/O (when declaring with an invoice) without the exporter’s signature possible
  3. Electronic documents not useable
Before Approval
  1. Self-issued C/O (when declaring with an invoice) with the exporter’s signature required
  2. Electronic documents not useable
After Approval
  1. Self-issued C/O (when declaring with an invoice) with the exporter’s signature exemption
  2. Electronic documents not useable
Before Approval C/O self-issuance available when exporting USD 2,000 and under (available for preferential duty rate)
After Approval C/O self-issuance available for only approved exporters when exporting over USD 2,000
Before Approval Not Applicable
After Approval

Types of Approved Exporter
Type Customs Aproved Registered Exporter Customs Approved Registered Exporter by Item
Benefit range Every agreement, and every item Only on approved agreement for approved 6-digit HS CODE items
Validity Period 5 years 5 years (varied upon the compliance score)
Approving Authority Main Customs (Seoul, Busan, Incheon, Daegu, and Gwanju), and Pyeongtaek Customs
Approval Requirement Ability to certify the country of origin Law Compliance by signatories Ability to certify the country of origin Law Compliance by 6-digit HS CODE items
Approvad Exporter Mark

Country of Origin Verification

A series of administrative procedure to check whether the goods meet the rule for the country of origin in accordance with Agreements or national law, and to imposepenalties to violators

Method of the Country of Origin Verification
Agreements Method Verification Body
KOR-Chile Direct Verification Customs of the Importing Country
KOR- Singapore Direct Verification Customs of the Importing Country
KOR-EFTA Indirect Verification Customs of the Exporting (Observed by the Customs of the Importing Country)
KOR-ASEAN (Principle)Indirect Verification (Exception)Direct Verification (KOR) Customs, (ASEAN) Issuing Authority / Customs (SG, PH)
KOR-India (KOR) Customs, (IN) Issuing Authority
KOR-China Indirect Verification, Direct Verification Customs of the Exporting, Customs of the Importing Country
KOR-EU, KOR-Turkey Indirect Verification Customs of the Exporting
KOR-Peru Indirect Verification, Direct Verification Customs of the Exporting , Customs of the Importing Country
KOR- Colombia Indirect Verification, Direct Verification Customs of the Exporting , Customs of the Importing Country
KOR-Vietnam Indirect Verification, Direct Verification (KOR) Customs, (VN) Issuing Authority
KOR-US Direct Verification, (Textiles)Indirect Verification Customs of the Importing Country (Textiles) Customs of Importing/Exporting Country
KOR-Australia Direct Verification, 호:간접검증병행 Customs of the Importing Country, (AU) Issuing Authority
KOR-Canada Direct Verification Customs of the Importing Country
KOR- New Zealand Direct Verification Customs of the Importing Country