SEIN is opening a new paradigm of Customs Firms.

  • The first Customs firm to achieve 25 billion won in sales (25 billion from Customs and Audit Corp., 18 billion from TNL)
  • Completion of Incheon Airport Logistics Center (SEIN TNL, approximately 40,000m2)
  • AEO Comprehensive Audit ‘AA grade’ Renewal
  • Establishment of Food Quarantine Certification Laboratory, and inauguration of Laboratory head Chan-Nyeong Lee (a former technical secretary of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
  • Establishment of Incheon Airport Branch HS laboratory, and inauguration of Chang-Hwan Bang Certified Customs Agent in the HS Laboratory (a former Deputy Minister for Analysis in Incheon Customs, and Analytic Officer in Central Customs Laboratory and Scientific Service)
  • Establishment of HS Laboratory, and inauguration of Laboratory Head Ki-Yeol Na (a former Deputy Minister for Analysis in Incheon Customs and Seoul Customs, and Director of Analysis in Central Customs Laboratory and Scientific Service)
  • Establishment of Customs Refund Laboratory, and inauguration of Laboratory Head Tae-Shik Baek (a former Customs Refund Professor in Korea Customs Service Training Institute, and a leader of Audit Team in Seoul Customs)
  • Publishment of ‘Foreign Exchange Transaction Act Explanation and Business Practice of Investigations’ (SEIN BOOKS)
  • The first Customs firm to achieve 39.4 billion won in sales (2.4billion from Customs and Audit Corp., 15.4billion from TNL)
  • Won the best prize in commentary contest on customs valuation precedents and research thesis contest.
  • Began the construction of Incheon Airport Logistics Center
  • Won an official commendation from the Head of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (a contributor to the utilization of FTA)
  • Establishment of Daejeon Branch
  • Publishment of ‘Explanation of country of origin determination criteria’ (SEIN Books)
  • Inauguration of Representative Director Don-Kyung Lee (a former Seoul Customs Audit Director, Investigation Director, and Busan Customs Clearance Director)
  • Completion of Incheon ARA Waterway Logistics Center
  • Customs and Trade Academy Education (Establishment of Trade Human Resource Development Center)
  • Publishment of ’FTA Agreements and Explanation’ (SEIN Books)
  • The fist completion of KOR-US FTA Country of Origin Investigation of a automobile by US CBP
  • Inauguration of Representative Director Du-Cheon Kim (expert in Customs Duty Investigation)
  • Winning the nomination for the developer of OK FTA project (Ministry of Trade, Korea International Trade Association)
  • Lecture in APTA Business Forum representing Korean Corporations
  • Establishment of Yeosu branch
  • Selected for KOTRA 2014 FTA Utilization Industry Professional (Expert) Development Project performance
  • IFCBA(International Federation of Customs Brokers Associations) 2014 Seoul International Conference support and participation
  • Establishment of Cheonan and Woolsan branch
  • Opening of SEIN Trade Hall (a lecture hall)
  • 10th Anniversary Workshop (Thailand)
  • AEO Comprehensive Audit ‘AA grade’ Renewal
  • Customs risk management program e-IRIS was completed and patented
  • SEIN BOOKS acquired WCO exclusive distribution right and published specialty publications of Customs Valuation and Tariff Classification
  • Customs Valuation Case Representation Contest, 1st Award winning (Korea Customs Service)
  • MOU conclusion with SANDLER & TRAVIS TRADE ADVISORY SERVICES, INC, one of the largest customs law firms in the United States
  • The first AA grade AEO authorization in the customs corporations industry
  • KOR-US FTA Agreement proofreading project performance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  • FTA forum - participation and support (Korea Customs Service)
  • SEIN BOOKS establishment and SEIN Customs Dictionary publication
  • The sales of Sein Customs & Auditing Corp. exceeded 10 billion won ($9,150,000) and the sales of SEIN TNL exceeded 7 billion won ($6,400,000)
  • Establishment of AEO Team
  • Establishment of Gumi, Cheongju, Paju branch
  • 1st Award Winning in FTA BIZ Model Competition
  • Establishment of FTA strategy research laboratory and FTA Team
  • Change of Company Name to SEIN Customs and Auditing Corp.
  • Establishment of SEIN TNL
  • Establishment of Pyeongtaek branch, Seongnam branch, Changwon branch, and Anyang branch
  • Inauguration of President Pil-soo Seo
  • Development of Customs Refund / Overseas Toll-Manufacturing programs
  • Establishment of Consulting Team, Customs Refund Team
  • Establishment of SEIN Customs Corp.