The Best
Audit Solution

SEIN provides the best customs audit solution based on our experience, know-how and proven skills.

Service Scope

SEIN provides support at all stages of corporate audit from risk pre-diagnosis to actual audit, and on-site response to Customs in regards to the legality of related clauses that are correlated to collection of the tax and clearance of the goods.
  • Preliminary review on risks for import/export clearance legality in preparation for Corporate Audit
  • Assist preparation for Customs submission materials against corporate audit and provide pre-trainings
  • Provide assistance for on-site investigation by Customs and strategic on-site response depending on issues
  • Prepare statements and other documents on issues related to corporate audit
  • Coordination and mediation with Customs for successful results
  • Provide follow-up consulting for related issues to prevent additional risks after Corporate Audit
  • Prepare regular import customs tax liquidation report

SEIN’s Audit Team

Service Features and Advantages

01 Industry-specific top experts with former KCS officials

  • Led by top experts in customs valuation, item classification, foreign exchange management, and customs refund, from Korea Customs Service and Customs offices.
  • Operation of a division dedicated to Audit, and performance by the nation’s top audit and inspection export
  • Support from certified customs agent fluent in global communication, for foreign and global companies
  • Operation of a division dedicated to AEO, securing quick response capability and expertise for AEO approval

02 Abundant audit experiences and capabilities of pre-diagnosis

  • Abundant experiences in customized audit response and pre-diagnosis by industry, including foreign companies and large enterprises
  • Operation of a independent diagnostic process such as assessments in T/P, foreign exchange management, HS, requirements, customs refund, bonded warehouse management, etc.

03 Risk Management System integrated with customs clearance

  • Provision of improved customs clearance management process, correcting the risks from audit
  • Liaison service with law firms when issues expand to customs audit, foreign exchange audit, customs protests, etc.
  • Assignment of Certified Customs Agents for CS of client companies

Consulting Cases

  • Customs Valuation
    Defense on 0 billion won collection by insisting tax-free on commissions, management fee, and loyalty
    Foreign company O
  • Customs Valuation
    Justified the appropriateness of T/P for transaction between related parties
    Foreign company O
  • Classification
    0 billion won customs refund by reviewing item classification and acquiring of a favorable authoritative rulings
    Company O
  • Customs Reduction
    0 billion won customs tax reduction by justifying the adequacy of reduction for plant automation
    Company O
  • Customs Refund
    Defense on 0billion won collection by explaining the adequacy of yield calculation method and alternative materials
    Company O
  • Customs Verification of Clearance Requirements
    Close of the case without charge under the pretext of exemption for omitted items subject to customs verification of clearance requirements
    Company O
  • Foreign Exchange
    Defense of penalty by supporting audit on set offs, third party payments, and breach of capital transactions

    Defense of customs issue by analyzing foreign exchange transactions and receipt data, and assist of self-audit of foreign exchange
    Company O
  • Country of Origin Markings
    Close of case without charge by reviewing misleading descriptions of country of origin in advance and receiving authoritative interpretation
    Company O
  • Corporate Audit
    Completion of consultings for approximately 60 companies including foreign companies, domestic large enterprises, and small-and medium-sized companies. (in the last 5 years)
    Foreign company O
  • Comprehensive Audit
    A number of consulting performances such as maintaining grade AAA for AEO in comprehensive audits for automobile company O, electronic company O
    Foreign company O
  • Import Tax Liquidation
    Consulting for import tax liquidation
    Company O