Systematic ltem

With SEIN’s HS laboratory, we offer systematic and specialized HS classification solutions.

Service Scope

  1. 01

    HS Code classification and provision of item classification opinion report

  2. 02

    Application for Advance Classification Ruling to Customs Valuation and Classification Institute

  3. 03

    Database establishment of various item classification cases and classification results management using SEIN’s own system

  4. 04

    Make an inquiry to WCO on controversial items

  5. 05

    Apply for an authoritative interpretation on item classification to foreign Customs

SEIN’s Classification Team

To provide a professional solution for our clients on issues in item classification, SEIN’s HS Laboratory consisting of the nation’s top item classification experts is in operation at all times.

Service Features and Advantages

  1. 01Expertise from abundant work experience
    • Led by the nation’s top experts (former researcher from Central Customs Laboratory and Scientific Service and Head of Analysis Department in Main Customs)
    • Consists of Certified Customs Agents with industry-specific expertise and abundant working experience
    • Capable of global projects including application for authoritative interpretation on item classification to foreign Customs
  2. 02 Close Cooperation System with Institutions
    • Systematic responses through operation of branches nearby Customs Valuation and Classification Institute and Central Customs Laboratory and Scientific Service
    • Retainment of experts from Central Customs Laboratory and Scientific Service
  3. 03 Systemized Industry-Specific Item Classification Databsase
    • Database management of item classification data and classification grounds using CPS(Customs Clearance Management Program)
    • Operation of real time item classification inquiry and reply system between certified customs agents and clients
    • Minimization of customs clearance risk through analysis on domestic and international item classification cases
  4. 04 Post-Management of Item Classification
    • Follow-up management when issues arises such as Public Notification on Item Classification Revision
    • Follow-up management in conjunction with customs clearance, customs refund, FTA, requirement verification, and customs audits.

Consulting Cases

  • Retention of 0 billion won customs benefits by recognition of the client’s claim through Tariff Classification Committee -> Ministry of Economy and Finance -> World Customs Organization, regarding country of origin determination
    Chemical Company O
  • Completion of Advance Classification Ruling from U.S. Customs and Border Protection for 000 main parts
    Automobile company O
  • Provision of item classification manual on main parts
    Automobile company O
  • Defense on 00billion customs tax collection due to erroneous item classification, by deriving the notice of the change in the item classification
    Electronic company O
  • Refund of 000million won by claiming rectification in accordance with the Public Notification on Item Classification Revision
    Food company O
  • Securing consistency in item classification through verification of consistency with global HS CODE
    Machinery company O
  • Customs reduction of 000million won by consulting on FTA preferential tariff applicability
    Industrial Facilities Company O